The data are currently available on the VirgoDB website at:

This is a data repository accompanying the paper "Where shadows lie: reconstruction of anisotropies in the neutrino sky", arXiv:xxxx.yyyy, Willem Elbers et al. (2023). As part of a forecast of the Cosmic Neutrino Background, it contains the properties of simulated relic neutrinos that are incident on Earth after traversing the large-scale structure. In total, there are 108 simulations with 224^3 = 11239424 neutrinos per simulation. The filenames are composed of four components indicating the properties of the simulation, beginning with "NUBG_".

There are two versions of each simulation:

with Milky Way (_MW),
without Milky Way (_noMW).

For both sets, there are 6 different neutrino masses:

0.01 eV x 1 (_M010),
0.05 eV x 3 (_M150),
0.06 eV x 1 (_M060),
0.10 eV x 3 (_M300),
0.15 eV x 3 (_M450),
0.20 eV x 3 (_M600),

where the first number indicates the mass of the individual neutrinos and the second number indicates the number of neutrino species assumed in the cosmological model. The name in brackets reflects the sum of neutrino masses.

Finally, there are 9 different realizations of the large-scale structure, as constrained by the 2M++ redshift catalogue, drawn from the posterior distribution with BORG. They correspond to the nth sample in the chain, where n is


Each file is in the hierarchical data format HDF5 and contains two groups. The Header group contains some attributes describing the simulation. The Neutrinos group contains 6 datasets with the initial and final coordinates (Mpc, stored with 10 kpc precision), initial and final peculiar velocities (km/s, stored with 10 m/s precision), the phase-space densities up to a normalization factor (dimensionless), and the statistical weights (dimensionless) of each neutrino particle. The weights account for the gravitational perturbations caused by the large-scale structure and the Milky Way (for the simulations that have it). We refer to the paper for further details.

Some analysis scripts for these data are available at